Nine minute networking
Two rounds of nine minutes in threes (or fours)
Talking points:
What’s a piece of feedback you have been pleased about?
How did you find out about something your organisation has done well?
Triz (40 mins)
The ‘Theory of Solving Ingenious Problems’
Also known as the ‘anti-problem technique’, sometimes identifying ways to solve the opposite issue to the current one makes it easier to find a new solution
The prompts are provocations
Step one- Capture everything you could to do generate the worst result possible (12 mins)
Introduce yourselves and add names to Slide 1, then move to slide 2. There you can add examples of behaviours for:
What are the practical ways you and your team could ensure that Scrutiny’s successes go completely unnoticed by local residents and the rest of your organisation?
Be creative! No need to stick to the rules of acceptable behaviour / organisation policies / the law…
Step two- Shortlist any examples that (slightly) reflect current practice, and capture any detail/examples (8 mins)
Move to Slide 3, referring back to Slide 2 when needed
What are the practical ways you and your team could ensure that Scrutiny’s successes go completely unnoticed by local residents and the rest of your organisation?
Move to Slide 4, referring back to Slide 2 when needed
What are the practical ways you and your team could ensure that Scrutiny’s successes go completely unnoticed by local residents and the rest of your organisation?
Not trying to resolve the whole issue or create a grand strategy, but think about the small things that could start to make a big difference
Conversation Cafe
Share the purpose and structure of Conversation Cafe, including the requests. (1 min)
Participants will be put into groups of 3-5 via Zoom breakouts.
In the first round of conversation, each participant is invited to briefly sharing what they are thinking, feeling, or doing about the theme or topic (5-7 mins), one by one.
If you are not the person speaking, mute your mic.
When you are done speaking, pass the “turn” to someone else by name. They should unmute to share or to pass.
In the second round, everyone is invited to contribute again after hearing initial responses to the question (5-7 mins).
In the third round, everyone is invited to contribute via open discussion (10 minutes)
In the last/ fourth round, each participant is invited to share their takeaways, using the person-by-person approach of the first and second rounds. (5-7 mins)