Here are the notes from scrutiny officers zoom meet-up on 10th June. We used an Open Space format and here are the top tips shared by participants from their various conversations. Thanks everyone!
Virtual meetings
- appeared to be more interest in our virtual meeting than our normal meeting. Good opportunity to enhance knowledge of what scrutiny is about.
- IT equipment used by members should be corporate so it can be fully supported. Not 40 members with all different equipment.
- Different systems produce the same outcome!!
- ensure everybody involved has plenty of opportunity to familiarise themselves with the technology and meeting etiquette
- ensure sufficient number of support staff available to aid the efficient running and broadcasting of a meeting
- Quick learning as we go along …
- Creating a private WhatsApp group with the Chair during virtual meetings
- It is interesting that not all authorities have live meetings but put them online afterwards.
- Learning from experience and adapting approach to virtual meetings as may need to be different to face to face meetings due to video meeting fatigue etc.
- Members more mindful of live meetings.
- More public watching virtual meetings than would have attended at the Town Hall.
- need to ensure additional democratic services support for meetings to deal with technical support.
- Officer Support during meetings
- Resource intensive – require other officers to help webcast the meetings.
- the importance of practice
- Understand the application you are going to use for your meetings and become an expert before any meetings take place.
- Practice practice practice.
- Get team support when holding meetings.
- Useful to watch online again to capture text for the minutes.
- Virtual meetings – Different tech being used across UK – Not always the same approaches.
- Virtual meetings – some Councils needing extra resources to run the meetings virtually. Puts a strain on others.
- Virtual meetings are very resource intensive
- Whether the minutes for online meetings should be shorter/different from those for physical meetings at the Town Hall.
- Never ask for Feedback via email/questionnaire get it from people before they leave the room
- Retaining the use of virtual meetings for use in the future
- Acknowledge extra resources for virtual meetings
- Trying to get hold of the paid version of Zoom
- Virtual meetings preparation is key before formal meetings
- Continuing to use video meetings for evidence gathering and member briefings
Health scrutiny
- doing health scrutiny at the right level – local, sub-regional etc. how to decide which level?
- it’s time to start engaging with NHS partners again
- remember JHOSCs
- general concern about NHS transparency
- Is the focus too much on hospitals and not enough on care in care homes or the community?
- June 15th deadline for letting NHS England which changes are going to be permeant
- link into normal health scrutiny workplan in addition to Covid19.
- Possible need for informal meetings with partners before launching into a formal public meeting.
- Possible pan-London scrutiny
- Getting health scrutiny up and running again
- can individual health scrutiny committees actually look at covid response or does it need to be wider (sub regional)?
- health scrutiny – challenge on whether the pandemic means they will organise themselves differently in future – and not stop footprints!!
Recovery planning
- pre-empt politics and guide focus towards service outcomes
- involve all in the recovery planning phase and the scrutiny of it
- Getting CEX and senior officer buy-in, Leader and other group leaders support.
- Scrutiny briefings with the Chair and key officers
- Scrutiny to look at Recovery Plan
- Scrutiny to look at recovery plan (as well!)
- scrutiny to start with recovery plan and drill down from there
- To drill down on the recovery plan
Work planning
- ‘Paper criteria’ for work planning
- all Councils working at different speeds in work planning
- All future topics will be within the context of Covid
- Live virtual meetings (so far) have stifled debate
- Innovation as ‘bravery to fail’ and creating small changes/innovations that making failing more palatable!
- draw on techniques like agile programme management and design thinking- don’t believe that the parameters of governance will restrict your ambition to innovate!